17th Annual Synod
Ecumenical Catholic Church+USA
St. Louis, Missouri
October 20-22, 2017


  • 17th Annual Synod
  • Processional for Friday Evening Ordination Liturgy.
  • Bishop Robert greets the congregation:  Peace be with you!
  • Bishops Tom, Carl, and David enter Chapel for the Ordination Liturgy.
  • Ordinandi-elect:  Subdeacon David and Deacon Luis.
  • Family and Friends join in the Ordination Liturgy.
  • Carefully consider the office entrusted to you.
  • Newly Ordained Subdeacon David reads the Epistle of the Mass.
  • With the Laying on of Hands, Luis is now a Deacon.
  • Newly ordained Deacon Luis prepares to proclaim the Holy Gospel.
  • Our Bishops and Priests renew their Commitment to Priestly Service.
  • Bishop Tom opens the Conversation on End of Life Planning.
  • Rosann presents the First Reading for Sunday Mass.
  • Deacon Luis proclaims the Holy Gospel.
  • Deacon Norm delivers the Homily at the Sunday Liturgy.
  • Bishop David begins the Offertory of the Mass.
  • God's people gather around the Altar with their clergy.
  • Deacon Luis distributes the Holy Eucharist to his family.
  • Bishop David and congregation bless Bishop Carl on his 80th Birthday.
  • Our Church Clergy participating in this Synod.

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Click HERE to see Synod Agenda

Synod Theme:

The Conversation Starter:
A Look at End of Life Decisions
-- a practicum experience for clergy and laity --

"And now, dear brothers and sisters,
we want you to know
what will happen to the believers
who have died so you will not grieve
like people who have no hope."
(1 Thessalonians 4:13)


Photos by
Sts. Peter & Paul ECC+USA
Parishioner Marie Harbers.